Dispenser device (kiosk)

  • Adapted: for the use of handicapped and wheelchairs
  • Custom: custom paint and vinyl with the colors and corporate logos
  • Freestanding: whit lower base plate rollover
  • Anti-vandalism: watertight and vandal lock
  • Hygienic: lacquered with antibacterial treatment
  • Configurable touch screen: 10", 12", 17" o 19".
  • Durable printer: Durable thermal printer with paper end sensor
  • Embebbed control computer
  • Connectivity: WIFI or LAN Ethernet

The Ticket Dispenser sw TecnoQ is responsible for issuing the tickets and register users. Also includes additional features such as: attendance justification, claims and access to online customer self-service mode services.

The principal features are:

  • - Attention queue selection
  • - Multi-language
  • - Virtual Keyboard
  • - Lock system
  • - Ability to expand and connect with recognition systems or customer identification. Remote administration console.